Celebrating big numbers here as Dana Ruh’s inspired label is now ten years old, plus this is one of three new twelve inch singles to form part of their 40th release: Past / Present / Future. Vid’s tantalising Camelie begins the ‘Present’ section via this 2014 number that still resounds as beautifully spine-tingling with its haunting piano motifs dancing delicately around machine fuelled drums. Next is Oshana’s outstanding Different Places, Different Spaces which defies time and logic like a maze of brilliant musical ideas that you never tire of. Andrea Fiorito’s Black then ends the record by contrasting with brisker drum rhythms alongside talking sound effects and tasteful, darker atmospherics. All recordings are excellent.
Release: March 21
Deejay: tr.im/1VG5l
Decks: tr.im/1V0Tw
Juno: tr.im/1wzMe
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