Forty minutes may seem like a long-time to spend given todays shortened attention spans. But as we are talking about the art of sound, the investment is all more worthwhile when considering the replenishment of your soul. Tanti Aglaia’s breathless journey into ever evolving tales of cavernous excess is both engulfing and metamorphosing, populating sight and sound. Perhaps despite the title Animal Carnival, it all feels more cosmic than organic, like the stars have aligned in some strange, ethereal way. Maybe that’s to do with the accompanying sense of wonder unfolding, or located along the path of discovery as weightless moments drift endlessly past. At times there is a definite edge to proceedings, while movements then caress a more reassuring explanation next. Either way, what’s forty minutes in a lifetime of experience worth to you?
Release: July 21
Buy https://tanti-aglaia.bandcamp.com/album/animal-carnival
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