Tag: Visionquest
Rework Q&A
Your latest single for Visionquest: Rise and Fall comes just ahead of your third album release and highlights the different aspects to your sound with the title playing full on for the dancefloor, while Ask You blends cosmic sounding funk together with vocals. Who has influenced your sound most? All three of us our real…
Reviews: 76
Clarian Chemical Gardens EP Visionquest Set your speakers to stun as this latest release from Visionquest will surpass your expectations by moving forward into 2013 with a bang. Clarian is one half of Footprintz who alongside Guy Gerber has produced the opener Claire which fuses eerie atmospheres together with haunting voices and crisp drums to…
Laura Jones interview
What first attracted you to music? Which artists / songs are your earliest influences? Â I started playing many musical instruments from an early age as well as vocal training in my teens so I was surrounded by a lot of music when I was growing up. The majority of this was classical but there…
Jimmy Edgar Majenta Hotflush Recordings Following on from XXX Jimmy Edgar begins Majenta with a bang, and then keeps on banging. From the opening Kraftwerk referencing, Too Shy you’re immediately captured by the sheer funkiness of it all but with the arrival of Punk attitude declaring itself: This One’s For The Children, all hell breaks loose.…
                                                             Sean Danke ‘Breath/ Leeks’ Something Different Records Always good to start at the beginning as Jesus Pablo and Di Riviera celebrate their brand new imprint with this from Sean Danke. A name no doubt many of you are familiar with as the Reykjavik resident delivers what could suggestively be called techno at a strident…
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