Tag: Play It Say It
Javier Carballo presents TERMS – Loud Jam – Play It Say It
The kind of sizzling intensity which Loud Jam contains is both brutal while posing a seriously funky proposition. Tough, resolute beats and the crack of a heavy snare drum inform the groove as the pulse of Acid and whir of voices drifts over the arrangement, then contrasted beautifully by the warm haze of emotive pads.…
Rowee aka Leonardo Gonnelli Q&A
2017 sees the launch of your new alias: Rowee with a single for Rebellion. What’s the story behind the name and why have you chosen to use an alias? Rowee comes from a story based on a profound feeling for music, representing an alter ego; it is the darkest part of me, and at the…
Clarian Q&A
Your latest single for Culprit: Derail The Reptile Revolution features five tracks. What was the inspiration behind the title track, i.e. what does it mean? a radiation wave hit and i got shot through a wormhole. now i’m lost in some distant part of the universe on a ship, a living ship, full of strange…
Dino Lenny & Doorly The Magic Room Play It Say It Having already appeared a couple of years back via Fine Human Records this excellent production now receives fresh impetus and revisiting care off Seth Troxler’s timely imprint. Kicking matters of is the Dino Lenny & Seth Troxler Re-edit which tweaks and re-energises the arrangement…
Single of the Week Just Be The Magic Rock Play It Say It The Magic Rock kicks off this release with an addictive 70’s styled drum machine repeating into oblivion, but which is soon accompanied by whirring synth notes and arpeggios that successfully seek to maximise the hypnotic nature of the track. It’s expansive too…
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