Tag: Oskar Szafraniec feat. Very Addictive – Borderline – Closed Circuits
Gel Abril Q&A
Hello and welcome to Magazine Sixty, Gel. Let’s start with the launch of your new label Closed Circuits. How and why did you decide to start your own imprint? Hello hello Greg and thank you for having me. well it’s been on my agenda for a long time to have a good home for my…
Oskar Szafraniec feat. Very Addictive – Borderline – Closed Circuits
Songs. Are as important as instrumentation (I think). Either way this is most beautifully, rewardingly both. The voice here sounds and, more significantly, feels every bit as breathily emotive as it is possible to be. Each note and resonance captures a moment in time and in particular at the edges of existence. Not quite so…
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