Tag: Nicole Moudaber
Cari Golden & DifferentMe – Fever In The Air – Precarious Records
Undoubtedly the best way to describe the third release from the label is its title. Fever In The Air, comes complete with one mix saying all that it needs to as Cari’s emotionally rich, yet understated vocals adorn the hypnotic implications generated by a simple bassline and deeply effective pads care of DifferentMe. Rumour has…
Reviews: 168
V.I.C.A.R.I. Pasciá Robsoul Recordings This is so irresistibly infectious and that’s all the justification required here. The title track’s taught rhythms almost play second fiddle to the punchy piano lines which pack even more swing than most. But then this does all work together so sweetly. Voodoo Effect provide a more robust version leaving the…
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