Tag: Kynsie

  • Sebastian Vaughan (Wave Arising) Interview

    Sebastian Vaughan (Wave Arising) Interview

    Welcome to Magazine Sixty, Sebastian. Tell us about your first introduction to electronic / dance music, and can you remember any specific records to accompany the experience? Has that formative excitement ever waned? Hi, before I start thanks to you and Sixty Magazine for the opportunity tocommunicate. I began making music as a drummer, so…

  • Magazine Sixty Music Review With Wave Arising

    Magazine Sixty Music Review With Wave Arising

    Greg Fenton reviews Wave Arising – (The) Rooted Sky – Ransom Note Records It would be fair to say that I only possess a passing knowledge of Spiral Tribe’s adventure including those of member Sebastian Vaughan’s part in it all, something I intend to rectify because it’s another part of the cultural jigsaw I find…