Tag: Joram Feitsma

  • Magazine Sixty Music Review with Joram Feitsma

    Magazine Sixty Music Review with Joram Feitsma

    Greg Fenton reviews Joram Feitsma – Binne All of the words you think of to describe the experience of music come crashing into your head when listening to this new album by Joram Feitsma. Continuing the theme of meaningful discourse sounds and atmospheres are delved into with typical depth across each of the pieces. Often…

  • Joram Feitsma – Stroom

    When I pressed play a lone voice asked, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to get more?’ A not so random advertisement generated solely for my benefit of course. The answer in reality is, wouldn’t it be nice to get less. Joram Feitsma’s beautiful new album sits in-between more and less. Plentiful in its exhortation, rich in…

  • Joram Feitsma – Ether

    This record wants you to be quiet. To listen. To absorb all that it has to offer. Ether is an apt word to describe what surrounds the orbit of this collection of wonderful music from the composer Joram Feitsma. Textures, tones along with the architecture of sound are what’s at play here forming constructions of…

  • Joram Feitsma Q&A

    Welcome to Magazine Sixty, Joram. How did you first become involved with wanting to play the piano? Who influenced you to do so, where you taught by somebody or self-taught? Well thank you Greg! And thank you for these great, thoughtful questions! I was very little when I started playing piano, simply born out of…

  • Joram Feitsma – Flux – Bigamo Musik

    There is a haunting eloquence contained in Joram Feitsma’s playing, let free to fly, connecting you to the artist in profound ways taking your thought processes and emotions on a journey to somewhere else. The pianist gently reworks ideas of melody and association to meaning on the beautifully lilting Lente for example, while the unfolding…