Tag: dirtybird
Reviews: 177 (a)
Kill Frenzy Silo DIRTYBIRD Love this. It’s the sheer confidence and belief that these four bars of intense organ hits are enough to command the track, as indeed they do, that is so charming here. Although, Silo is anything but polite as it stabs the keys out and over crisp drum machines, cold voices and…
Kevin Knapp (Hot Creations) Q&A
Hello and how is life in Berlin in 2015? Fantastic at the moment actually, now that we’re into June and it’s so gorgeous all the time. In the winter things can get a bit rough and ironically not due to the cold, but rather, due to the fact that it’s overcast like 90% of the…
Reviews: 143
Single of the Week Vince Watson Eminesence EP Yoruba Stunning release from the label sees Vince Watson’s opening track, A Moment With Lonnie surpass itself via an outstanding intro of gorgeous instrumental ambience that you just don’t want to stop. Eminesence, happens next with juicy House bass joined by funky percussion which soon expands itself…
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