Tag: Def Pressé Editions

  • Stro Elliot – La Villa – Def Pressé Editions

    Stro Elliot – La Villa – Def Pressé Editions

    It’s also the ability of music to lift and transform mood which is yet another fascinating, invaluable asset in the artistic canon. Maybe it should be prescribed. That’s the thing I love about this album’s opening shot, Mondays’ Generation as it sings and dances, celebrating, confirming. Then you listen to the piano adorning HHOT and…

  • Deca – Sleepwalker – Def Pressé Editions

    You know those deep blasts of fresh air you are always seeking to inhale… This is all that and more for the very simple reason that it is so poignant, beautifully of the moment if the moments were bathed in hot sunshine but either way the cool breeze of Autumnal change will certainly do in…