Tag: Archipel Musique Canada

  • Magazine Sixty Music Review with Giash

    Magazine Sixty Music Review with Giash

    Greg Fenton reviews Giash – Végtelen Derengette – Archipel Musique Canada The breathless undulating funk that greets you upon igniting play on Raquettelig is beautiful and deeply satisfying, albeit hitting twists and turns in the gathering storm of its process. Much like the uncertain path weaved through life does. Watch out for the sudden ending.…

  • Pheek – Dummu – Archipel Musique Canada

    Pheek – Dummu – Archipel Musique Canada

    A world of words to get lost in. Dummn is hard to describe simply because its unique nature of sounds connect more directly with your subconscious, diving into the surreal, rather that the obvious world right before your eyes. Like a private conversation, albeit one in a profoundly unsettling, shaking your foundations, kind of way.…