Magazine Sixty Music Review with AMAS, Konstantin Kost
Greg Fenton reviews AMAS, Konstantin Kost – Odessa – AMAS Studio Four tastefully poignant pieces of music make up this most colourful EP. Red Glow opens the selection as TanYa’s spoken words reflect deeper emotions, especially given the Ukrainian aspect resolutely flowing throughout the music. Its tough undercurrent of punctuating stabs and moody pulses only…
ANGEL – Sous L’eau – AMAS_Studio
Two tracks, two version of each, is as uncomplicated as it sounds. Musically, Particule dives headlong into deep, emotional waters swimming with the tide of turbulent atmospheres, laden with depth charges releasing mystery and the expanse of soul. Try the excellent Particule 2 with its inquisitive whispers penetrating rich layers of probing sound. Plus the…