It is of course of no co-incidence that Sam Ruffillo’s collection of supremely sweet, inspiring grooves hit right at the very heart of summertime. As the hottest month unfolds so do these disco referencing numbers that feel tastefully contemporary rather than cheap re-edits of the same old story. Which is down in no short measure to that fact the music has been played live rather than sampled. In fact to say that Danza Organica is joy personified is perhaps an understatement but there you go. The accompanying remix from Musumeci compounds the essence with sparkling Hi-Nrg infused syncopation providing a perfect compliment. Next, Es Buena seeks out deeper climbs with jazzier notation setting the ideal of sunsets to sound, followed by the furiously melodic Perfetta Cosi which again features the sultry vocals of NINFA who contrasts perfectly with her male counterpart. Finally is GOME’s remix of the same with sequences Chic notation via chopped out guitar and smooth keys galore.
Release: August 13
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