For the record Pan Amsterdam are everything I used to love about the spoken word. Clever, informed combinations of poetical polemics that sting, accompanied by music that twists and reworks old formulas into something excitedly defiant, screwing up the past, reflecting todays mood swings. And who else but the timeworn voice of Iggy Pop to set it all alight. But once again Mobile delivers wordplay you want to listen to and digest, if it was printed you would want to read it out loud. There is also something deliciously oddball about all of this which only adds to the sense of subtle revolution, I suspect containing a hidden anger in amongst all of those Jazzy blasts of horn. ‘And a Powerbomb.’
Flipping the 7†release is the brutally brilliant, 15 Seconds. Contrasting emotions of bitter/ sweet words then smoulder as the doo-wop styled harmony sings out a beautiful melody, amid forlorn, in the dead of night, Trumpet. Priceless.
Release: 7†Vinyl March 15
Listen https://ffm.to/k37yndk
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