Magazine Sixty
Music reviews and artist interviews
Magazine Sixty brings you reviews and interviews with some of the worlds leading independent artists. Discover excitng new electronic music, revisit seminal classics and hear from the people behind the sounds.
Magazine Sixty Interview with Jonny Mac (Warriors of the Dystotheque) talking about their acclaimed, brilliant new album – It’s A Beautiful Thing, music culture, and the art of songwriting, plus more, in this in-depth dive into the artist’s psyche. Welcome to Magazine Sixty, Jonny. How did you get introduced to music growing up? Are there…
Greg fenton reviews SOYUZ featuring Asha Puthli & Sven Wunder – Spring Has Sprung – Mr Bongo What a wonderful piece of music weaving spells while causally casting emotions across landscapes of maybes. It may not really matter if the title refers to the delicate vibrancy of spring or the blast of summer heat as…
Greg Fenton reviews Heaven Sent: The Rise Of New Pop 1979-1983 – Cherry Red Records Coined by Paul Morley the term New Pop is not one I cherish sounding a little too contrived, too smooth to taste. Although, as with all these things labels stick with a certain accuracy. Words aside I love a lot…
We talked recently with acclaimed DJ Diego Ro-K about his current The Deal EP for MFF co-produced alongside Diego Cid as D+D, his history, and thoughts on the current DJ and music culture. Welcome to Magazine Sixty, D + D (Diego Ro-K and Diego Cid). Let’s start with how you got into DJ’ing, who were…
Greg fenton reviews Ramin Rezaie – Folks Get Down – NAIMA This is an easy fit when the shining sun feels perfect and the sky is crystal blue. Although I guess the immortal words, Everybody Loves The Sunshine could feel right anytime as this classic vocal line and hot keys seal the deal. Ramin Rezaie’s…
Magazine Sixty Interview with DJ Counselling who talks in-depth about influences, creative technique, and his stunning new album Alt-Mobeat. Welcome to Magazine Sixty, Ash. I’m glad you have taken the time to answer some questions on the nature of your continuing, significant work. While your music is often uplifting (in the soulful sense of the…
Greg Fenton reviews Ujin – A Story Behind – Zapped Records A Story Behind is first and foremost about the connection and interplay between heavy-duty drums and bass as they punch out vigorous rhythms together in unison. But scratch below the surface and there is also a wealth of more subtle information going on like…
Greg Fenton reviews Other Light Ensemble – Body of Ritual Tapestry – Blue Tapes If you feel that this kind of improvised, free-flowing wealth of sound bouncing crazily off atoms might tempt you into an altogether more adventurous state of mind then please, press play. After all, what have you got to lose? Apart from…
Greg Fenton reviews Roots Rock Rebels – When Punk Met Reggae 1975-1982 – Cherry Red Records Another brilliantly realised compilation from the team at Cherry Red readily captures that sense of creative excitement, as if anything could happen – and it did – in the highly charged atmospheres surrounding the late seventies to the early…