Greg Fenton reviews Scorpio Leisure – No Apologies (The Oddball Creatives VHS Remixes) – Ramrock Red Records
I love this. It’s part cracked celluloid, part traveling through dark streets at night, and partly the seduction of sleazy deliverance. The Oddball Creatives (aka Joseph Malik and Daniel Walls) have succeeded in creating all of the above while producing music dripping with creative juice alongside the thrill of being hotwired into the outsider framework that fits neatly inside a VHS guise.
Hettie Noir’s vocals are front and center, temptingly so, oozing with illicit emotion as the succession of cutting synthesizers growl at you heightening a city full of grainy atmospheres and shadowy release. Complimented by a wonderful instrumental I would never the less highly suggest the vocal version in all its temperature-raising, fevered belief.
Release: November 8
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