Magazine Sixty Music Review with Giash

Greg Fenton reviews Giash – Végtelen Derengette – Archipel Musique Canada

The breathless undulating funk that greets you upon igniting play on Raquettelig is beautiful and deeply satisfying, albeit hitting twists and turns in the gathering storm of its process. Much like the uncertain path weaved through life does. Watch out for the sudden ending.

Glitches punctuate the rolling rhythms of the proceeding Kalap Kabát as a flurry of sound effects whir and whirl across the stereo field. The music follows in that vein of creative thinking throughout the album taking sounds that seemingly feel conventional and playing with them, altering the setting to produce new sonic sculptures of the imagination. A continuing sense of prevailing mystery enhances the experience with each step while each note carves its unique place and emotional reaction.

To highlight the variation at play here, Juppileum seeks out dancefloor attention while Kék Hold perks up voices over repeating motifs to crystalize atmospheric intentions. Then leaving you at the point of no return Kunadratta reimagines the strums and testimonies of a band trying to be heard above the intensity of all that electronic wizardry.

Végtelen Derengette touches upon other worlds as you get the warm comfort of familiarity amid jangling reflections of the future-past. Yet is at all moments sincerely plugged into the here and now.

Release: September 5
Download/Stream Giash – Végtelen Derengette on Bandcamp
Giash on Bandcamp
Archipel Musique Canada on Instagram

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