Magazine Sixty Music Review with f5point6

Greg Fenton reviews f5point6 – A World Within Our World – See Blue Audio

Scratching beneath the surface are the words that occur upon engaging with the fractured elements gathering pace on Konis_. Cracked, suggesting something needs fixing like a vital requirement is amiss requiring urgent attention. The piece is an amalgamation of overlapping sounds underpinned by the unsettling yet gentle whir of repeating drone-like motifs echoing, reinforcing sentiment as a breath of warm instrumentation joins forces to enhance the emotional drama. Typically it’s in the detail and the depth of meaning that denotes the music created by R.Cleveland Aaron aka f5point6. Located throughout this exploration of mindful thought, alongside the radical internal investigation and external mapping of found and electronic sound.

Perhaps it’s fair to say that this latest album isn’t so much a conversation but about the sharing of an unspoken sonic knowledge. The series of titles certainly suggests an adherence to the values inherent in nature, while organic matter is conversely translated via machine-made impulses. Either way, these are methods of telling we can all associate with. Maybe even more purposefully after residing for a time in A World Within Our World.

The photograph featured on the album’s cover is an explosion of colour, close up and personal highlighting the beauty of the ferocity of the natural world. Much like the album does. Try the remarkable title track for contrasts as the blistering contact of grainy atmospheres gets twisted in the mangle of feeling as surging synth lines collide with heaven and the underworld in brilliant ways. This is my favourite number from the album which I will not do the disservice of trying to categorize. The thought is that music is talking in new languages that don’t easily revolve around the past. That’s exciting. And radical. And important.

Release: June 14
Download/ Stream on Bandcamp
f5point6 on Instagram
See Blue Audio

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