Magazine Sixty Music Review with boycalledcrow

Greg Fenton reviews boycalledcrow – eyetrees – Hive Mind Records

Time again to engage with boycalledcrow and his weird, pastoral, funky folk completed by a heavy dose of psychedelic soul – I was never one for sticking with any one genre – which as with previous albums fuses the delight of discovering together with a deeper feeling of contemplation. Wonderfully appearing in unpredictable passages as sounds don’t always perform in the way you might expect. Guitars reverse into gear providing unsettling edges while sprinkles of shimmering keys ignite the senses, much as they do so completely on the opening number, worlds. That insistency to be heard above the noise continues with, sweet dunes, this time denoted by beautifully picked guitar and a warm world of unfolding sound effects suggesting recall.

The themes continue on their merry path until you imbibe, magic medicine while getting propelled by a loose cannon of drums adding a nice contrast to all that lush scenery. A blissful day with her, then continues to speak volumes for itself. Indeed you can almost second guess what’s travelling through the artist’s mind with each of these titles like an illustration of a story. Anyway, it’s a brilliant listen. You might like to make time for it.

Release: October 11
Download/Stream on Bandcamp h
Boycalledcrow on Instagram
Hive Mind Records

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