Greg Fenton reviews Bibio – PHANTOM BRICKWORKS (LP II) – Warp Records
So much music is being created now by so many people doing it that it’s sometimes hard to know where to begin. Never mind where you might end. The one qualifying difference between swimming in uncertainty and the positive resolution found in the true art of sound seems to lie in the emotional responses shared between the artist and listener, like an unspoken communication in the form of notes to self.
Bibio’s beautifully crafted new album dispenses with the complication of unnecessary fuss playing straight to the heart of what’s important. Ethereal and at times eerie the sense of time being displaced by a wave of longing is defiantly telling as the music touches upon a divergence of highs and lows discovered through lived experience. Listen to DOROTHEA’S BED for a sheer abundance of emotion and depth. Or the dance of piano found traversing the proceeding PHANTOM BRICKWORKS VI. Each number here progresses forming new ideas such as on the breathy chorus inhabiting the sublime TEGID’S COURT, while the integral ambience coasting throughout the grainy refrains of BROGRAVE draws you into somewhere hidden yet offers crystal clear peace of mind. But not before leaving you at the doors of the melancholy testament formed around the searing SYCHDER MCMLXXXIX. The second episode in the PHANTOM BRICKWORKS series provides clarity of purpose alongside the elation which only great composition can bring.
Bibio – PHANTOM BRICKWORKS (LP II) on all platforms here
Bibio at Warp Records
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Bibio on Spotify
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