Magazine Sixty Music Review with Afterlife

Greg Fenton reviews Afterlife – Timelines 2 – Subatomic UK

When whispers of heart-touching soul combine with the white heat of future imagination while opening up the world of conversation inherent within musical discourse, the magic of music counts. That unequivocal depth of feeling is blatantly apparent when you press play on Afterlife’s latest collection of pieces forming the outstanding new album, Timelines 2. Yet it all sounds so effortless, perfect and naturally formed, however, the intensity of sincerity burning as each sound and their sublime implications fill the spaces between us is notably loud and clear, like shouting without speaking too loudly. In terms of perceivable aural experience, I can’t think of hearing too much else which communicates more astutely the force of harmony, the ambience of atmosphere and consequent emotions while they dance off each other. Joyous in any other language.

Try the beautifully realised Sirens Of Titan as a starting point via its warm glow of pads and swirling taste of ecstasy caressing the senses playing like the opposite of music to dance to but rushing miles beyond it. Plus the soothing arpeggios of Nagual are epically placed to cause maximum joy. That permeable belief in the transformative power of music feeds faith and belief throughout each of the fourteen numbers.

Sometimes, it’s the simplest noise that elevates so completely, find the gentle rise of the synthesiser bass on Mizzle and breathe in the rewards in full. Soak up the blistering envelopes of cosmic soul on Song From The Sea, or the reflective dream-like qualities in First Light. Each track contains a story to unfold, conversing and connecting with worlds of life experience.

Music For Stargazing seeks out darker lines of inquiry for contrast while the completing and wonderfully titled The Tiny Space Within Your Heart shifts between certainty and its counterpart contrasting like tested sonic science and the honouring of never-ending discovery. Again, it’s in the almost hidden detail such as the melody within the dying keys altering the chain of events that are so incendiary and powerful.

Download/ Stream Timelines 2 on all platforms here

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