Just Her’s striking production strikes at the very heart of why music matters in this day and age. That is to say it engages your mind and soul transforming the world of possibilities on offer to within your grasp. Its expansive, soaring array of sounds capsulate the mood of the moment via its cast of simmering synthesiser notes and brisk drum machines that only serve the introspective vocals faithfully, as it appeared on the labels 20th anniversary compilation. The selection of remixes that follows transforms or transports the original into somewhere else from the tougher more up-tempo rendition provided by Oliver Schories through to The White SHadow’s energy packed remix. However, it’s the deeper reworks that chime best with the vocal and the case in point is certainly Yost’s beautifully atmospheric versions, including a sublime Beatless Mix. Then again Andrea Arcangeli squeezes the emotional pips from the song to the fullest, followed closely by Armonica’s first-rate, bass punctuated remix. Choice.
Release: February 10
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