There is a haunting eloquence contained in Joram Feitsma’s playing, let free to fly, connecting you to the artist in profound ways taking your thought processes and emotions on a journey to somewhere else. The pianist gently reworks ideas of melody and association to meaning on the beautifully lilting Lente for example, while the unfolding landscapes of Hoede Pt. II reach their destination via a looped drone of tones, other notes are charged with more brutal intensity such as on Kept. It was co-produced by label founder and one half of Âme, Frank Wiedemann with the productions highlighting the happy/ sad aspects of life which chime notably in current times. It also feels very much like a series questions asked, perhaps resolved by the progression of keys found within When Lost. In the end Flux plays like heartstrings of sound pulling you in different directions, yet feeling composed and open to creative interpretation.
Release: April 23
Buy https://bigamo.bandcamp.com/album/flux
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