You add the words minimal and pianist together and you may think you have an answer. But that would be a disservice as to what you are about to experience when listening to the Dutch artist, Joep Beving who returns with this third album in the series. In the world of electronic music you can also sometimes dance to (which is what we triumph at Magazine Sixty) it can be easy to forget about avenues to explore in the expanse of music outside. Moods, emotions and textures which aren’t always readily available to the set formula are played here with a beautiful, precise poise by Joep Beving as envelopes of synthesized sound whisper a wealth of ever-expanding suggestion around the resolute, yet occasionally fragile, notation. It’s like your grasping at a sense of wonder as the universe explodes brilliantly in colour. And while that might sound all a bit Timothy Leary there is still truth in it. From the tense repetitions of Apophis, through to the smouldering keys and accompanying melancholy strings concluding The One As Two, or even before that point on the yearning Whales, or as found on the bold chords of Sirius, this rich amalgamation of electrical sounds and classical traditions are realised perfectly with history resolving itself into present moments. Henosis is a music searching for something lost. And now found.
Release: April 5
pre-order: https://www.deutschegrammophon.com/en/cat/4799875
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