Jimpster – Burning Up – Freerange Recordings

Lots of words gather to fire-up the imagination to describe Jimpster’s gritty, unrelenting yet exhilarating reworking of Techno, Disco and House all in one go. Sounding like the future has just erupted in a series of awkward stabs that twist and turn any safe notions of what music should safely sound like is no easy feat. But here we go. Burning Up, succeeds in doing so touching tougher sensibilities one minute, then infusing you with harmonic resonance the next. The intriguingly titled, Becoming Cyclonic follows with what can de safely described as a playful nod to Jazz-Funk as drum machines accompanied by ever expanding fretless basslines tune in perfectly to the here and now.

Release: March 9

Pre-order: www.traxsource.com/title/942073/burning-up

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