Holy Hive – Float Back To You – Big Crown Records

The first word that came to mind when listening to the opening number, Broom was coincidently, swoon. Funny as I’m not always a fan of falsetto but in this case, aided by the sumptuous instrumentation, it’s all too tempting not to love wholeheartedly. The album continues apace with more of that easy-swing informing the music as carefree melodies and atmospheres drift across the horizon of genuinely, soulfully rich songs. A blessing in days when such things don’t always ring true. However, there’s just something about this album. You can hear the echoes of their influences traversing throughout and yet there is also a compelling sense of hearts on sleeves amid the very personal nature of the music which cuts through time, as all worthwhile things should do. Try, Oh I Miss Her So below plus the aforementioned class of Broom to soak up exactly what I mean…

Release: May 29

Pre-order https://bigcrownrecords.com/store/float-back-to-you


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