It was a bit like being caught off guard but listening inquisitively, intently to This Bit of Earth soon grounded me in certainty. The timeless quality running throughout this latest collection of music from Fish Go Deep exercises some of the pain from the previous twelve months while quietly reassuring, restating a proud commitment to all things musical. The title track which begins the sequence lulls you into security via its warm jazzy twist and even if it all ended just there I could still live with it. Thankfully the remainder continues to dance in the key of life touching upon the wealth of aspects which inform the duo’s sensibilities from the darker tones of The Sweetest Thing through to the ambient flow of Alice On Jupiter. Leaving the introspective, gentle shuffle of the blistering Culatra Ferry to finish but not before qualifying the depth of meaning that is integral to all that they produce.
Release: May 28
Buy https://linktr.ee/fishgodeep
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