Dizzy Gillespie – Portrait Of Jenny – BBE Music

Listening to Dizzy Gillespie’s music feels like a privilege granted by history. Released back in 1970 by Perception Records it was the artist’s second album that year and for me the better of the two more attuned to fusions of classic Jazz and Latin, than its funkier counterpart. If the opening, Olinga was the albums only track that would be enough as smoky trumpet and haunting piano meander through a night-time of temptation. Simply wonderful. Next, the shuffle igniting Diddy Wa Diddy (Mozambique) sees the player fit neatly into contemporary blends, adopting current influences perfectly. Again it’s the energy contained within the grooves that strike you here, that plus the fabulous percussion and guitar. On, Me ‘n Them Dizzy’s instrument simply soars skyward leaving you breathless, while final number Timet adds a rocky pulse to its sassy swing. I guess you could say it’s all timeless.

Release: February 17
Buy https://bbemusic.bandcamp.com/album/portrait-of-jenny

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