Christina Vantzou – No.5 – Kranky

Channelling her fifth album through a prism of exploratory questions Christina Vantzou’s wonderful set of new music is all at once thrilling to the touch, exhilarating to the ears. It feels like pieces gathered together with the instruction of play, celebrate and to thrill expectations. Moments vary between speed and slowness pondering the emotion of sounds, stretching out blissful incarnations. Just listen to the uplifting synthesizer’s adorning the exceptional Reclining Figures. Or the watery shimmers of Red Eel Dream. Or, the haunting Dance Rehearsal, or the classical intonations of Memory of Future Melody. Alongside the inspired melancholy rushing the through the veins of Surreal Presence (for SH and FM). Each combination of voice and instrument plays havoc with quiet and loud. Each paints its own thoughts across a screen ignited by imaginary ghosts crisscrossing points of heaven and earth.

Release: November 11 buy

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