Sometimes music blurs the seasons as you get caught-up in the slipstream of existence while life rushes crazily by. Pausing occasionally to grasp at meaning, at what’s important beyond everyday airwaves. This collection of hazy, poignant recollections by Chris Jam is superbly connected to the elegant music shaping its breathless stories, exorcizing memories like all our tomorrows lost and found. Out of the EP, Butterfly Strokes feels like a beat poetry cast over the cinema of human experience as words trip and drip across devastating piano, providing a remembered breath of perfect moments.
For an essential and charitable cause to raise funds for Brian Tumour Research and the Institute of Cancer Research in London.
Find out more by clicking below…
Listen & download free here: https://chrisjammcr.bandcamp.com/
Please donate here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROSomeoneSpecialPage?pageUrl=MagneticBlaiseEP
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