Brian Eno – Film Music 1976 – 2020 – UMC

Strange that I’d never really thought of Brian Eno in terms of defining timelines, although of course history plays a very big part in his existence. That attachment is all the more ready as this selection of his work for film and television is collated here (including seven unreleased numbers) between 1976-2020. Eno’s music has always been about evocation and picture forming which is most apt here. In ways it seems slightly odd however that your thoughts are guided by a title of a moving picture rather than what’s created by your own imagination, as so often occurs through experiencing his overlapping electronics. The list of directors and accompanying works are never less than impressive too from David Lynch to Derek Jarman to Danny Boyle, plus a host of other significant names. This is very much the sound of an artist fully-fledged embracing traditional elements of piano, guitar and even Bono’s voice on the hauntingly beautiful Passengers – Beach Sequence (from Beyond The Clouds). Likewise is the treatment of the studio and its abundance of creatively charged effects as a radical instrument in itself, which he has shaped full of the future. The music is wide and varied, touching upon a wealth of influences, caressing the sumptuous just as it does the more introspective as you will witness on – An Ending (Ascent). Which is also perfect.

Release: November 13


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