Welcome to Magazine Sixty, August. Let’s start with your early years growing up and which artists/ bands were most influential in shaping what you do now?
I grew up in Sydney Australia and from an early age I would fly regularly to Italy to visit family. As far back as I can remember I always loved listening to music. I would sit in the car when my parents were working and just listen to cassettes or radio all the time. As a kid I remember listening to artists like Culture Club, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, Michael Jackson, Prince and more. At the age of about 13 I remember hearing for the first time Jungle and rave music back in the early 90’s. From that point onwards, I knew that is where I wanted to be. I was hungry to know more about underground and dance culture. Also spending a lot of time in Europe it introduced me to house and techno. So basically, underground music has been a way of life for me since my early years.
Your show on Ibiza Global Radio has been running for an impressive ten years now. What were the circumstances of how you got the show in the first place? What is the one consistent thing which you are most proud of running from back then to now?
My show with Ibiza Global sort of happened accidently really. At that time I was running a little label and the guys over at Ibiza Global were supporting the releases. I got introduced to Miguel Garji and things just went off from there. It’s not easy having a weekly show for over such a long period of time, but it’s great to support a lot of artists and music that on occasion you might not be able to play in a normal club or festival environment.
Your Indigo EP is the second vinyl release for Seve17een Records. What importance do you place on vinyl in 2021?
Yes, exciting times regarding vinyl. The EP is currently out now on my friend Dubphone’s label Seven17een. It has 2 great remixes, one by Giorgio Maulini and one by Dubphone. I grew up with vinyl and I have always been a vinyl artist. Nothing makes me feel better than spending my time in records stores around the world and coming home with new music. I love chatting with people at the stores and sharing recommendations to check out. It’s great that it is back in such a strong way so the younger artists have a chance to experience the whole vibe around it. I know that sales are not the way they used to be of course, times change. But to have kept a hold of that authenticity and uniqueness makes me very happy.
buy Indigo https://www.deejay.de/August_Artier_Indigo_EP_SVN02_Vinyl__975290
Can you name some of the oldest records in your collection (any style) that still inspire you?
This is a hard one to answer. Let me try.
DJ Ham Most Uplifting on Knite records, Jungle back from 1994
2. Callisto called the Nether World EP dates back to 1998 released by the great Chicago based label Guidance Recordings.
3. Masquerade’s – Set it off dates back to 1985 released by Streetwave records from London
4. Sextravaganza – Montobi Sex Tribe mix on Tribal America back from 1993
5. Paul Hardcastle 19 – 12†Extended version out on Chrysalis Records Ltd 1985
Tell us a little about your studio set-up? What are your go to pieces of software/ hardware you most like to use? And also, which are your favourite speakers to listen to music on?
As far as studio monitors go I am lucky to say that my partner Mick Wilson has lent me his Frontier monitors. These speakers are the result of a collaboration between Output Audio and Barefoot that has just recently come out on the market. Never have I heard such monitors in my life. My studio set up can be described as minimal I work only with UAD plugins and my Apollo Twin. I couldn’t imagine not having this set up.

Outside of music which artists, writers, painters etc mean the most to you?
I like Martha Cooper who has been behind the world of graffiti and street art since the 70’s. I also like the photos of Estevan Oriol too. I find his work is raw and his shots are great. I like Jean Michel Basquiat, a few years back I went to one of his art expositions and his work had a complete different impact seen in person.
You recently played your first gig again at Hostal La Torre. How did that feel after such a long time?
Well like any artist, after a long period away it felt incredible. Plus when you add the magic that a place like Hostal La Torre can bring, it’s like a cherry on top.

What changes would you hope to see post Covid-19 in club culture?
Respect for each other in a more peaceful environment and having a good time all united. I hope we will all remember what it feels like having lost elements of our freedom that maybe we all took for granted. I would also like to see clubs focusing more on the resident DJs. Their roll is so important. Their work gives the club its identity and character. So would be nice to see promoters invest more into this side of things.
Your remix with Mick Wilson (who you also co-release on RAWAX) of Do It Again on Do Not Sleep is fierce to say the least. Can you talk us through how the collaborative process works between you?
We’ve been doing a lot of work remotely, due to the fact that the COVID restrictions meant we couldn’t be in the studio together, however that doesn’t hold back our approach to the work. We both use UAD soundcards and plugins so in terms of in the box this area is covered, hardware, we employ Moog Matriarch which is hooked up to Erika Synths Black Sequencer, this is an amazing set up for sound design, The Moog SIRIN is great for some of those basslines and lead sounds that we like to use. Novation Peak adds to the pack as well as TB303 and various Roland Boutique bits. For sound sculpting we have the Korg Wavestate. We do a lot of external and internal processing on our sounds to create something unique. All which can be heard in both the remix and our other music.
Listening to your mixes I was wondering about your thoughts on vocals and songs in Dance Music today? And about the power of rhythm versus melody?
I believe they both have an important role. Depending on the situation or event the music is played in. I am more a rhythm type of person, however regardless of it being a vocal track or an instrumental the important thing we as DJs must do is share emotions and leave memories.
On a personal note. How would you describe your own philosophy when it comes to life and likewise on music?
I would say, be humble and respect others. This might seem very ABC but I think many people need to be reminded.
Learn from people who will give you their time to become a better version of yourself. On all aspects of life, whether it be career wise or life lessons. Eat healthy, exercise and never ever go a week without a pizza and beer.
And finally. What are you looking forward to most over this summer?
Just going back to living a normal life. Playing music at my wonderful residencies between Ushuaia Tower and La Torre.
Starting to see about some club and festival events even though it’s still early doors. I’m also looking forward to a little project that’s about to give way here in Ibiza. Can’t really say too much yet, but it will be a community for local artists and all music related people.
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