Welcome to Magazine Sixty, Alex. What your feelings are on the current state of streaming, downloads and how the future looks for the record industry?
Streaming is a reality for record labels, I think the way to stay relevant is to diversify the brand.
What inspired you to set up the label in the first place? And can you tell us about what the name means for you?
I used to be a former Spanish diplomat and I was travelling and exchanging ideas and points of view with many interesting people. I decided to change the bureaucrats for legendary house producers and immerse myself in the music world.
The label name is a wordplay tributing to my former career as a diplomat.

You currently have a roaster of over 300 artists, which is obviously impressive. What do you think attracts so many artists to releasing music with you?
Deeplomatic was born with the idea of unifying the best house music artists into one label. I think the reason why so many artists want to release music with us is the quality and sound of the tracks that we release.
How would you describe the process of A&R? What do you look for when signing music – is an artist’s profile an important factor?
The main factor for us is quality and style because we want that fits in with the current releases, obviously, the artist’s profile is an important factor that we take into consideration.
What are your thoughts on creativity within electronic music currently? And how do you feel about the emphasis on nostalgia?
My favourite style of music and where I take inspiration from is disco and funky, so the style of music that I lean forward to now is space disco, combining all of my old favourites with new interesting beats.
How did you first get into Dance Music? And which clubs/ DJ’s initially inspired you?
I bought a pair of second-hand 1200 Technics Turntables when I was 13, didn’t know much about what I was doing at the time, all I wanted was to experiment with music somehow…
Rick Wade, Terrence Parker, Gene Hunt and Jesse Saunders were some of the first DJs that inspired me because they were some of the original creators of house music, and for that reason they were the first artists that we wanted to release music with on Deeplomatic.
Outside of music who/ what influences most?
I like to travel to strange and remote locations, and I’m also a technology freak.
And finally. Can you tell us about the first releases for 2020, and your plans for label moving forwards?
We are currently working on another compilation album collaborating with stalwart artists in the house music scene, so keep an eye out on that.

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