“Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good and just and beautiful.” This quote from Plato echoes across thousands of years of the evolution of human existence and applies liberally to this latest set of creations from Afterlife. I love these journeys into ambience as they provide a thoughtful space to absorb what is going on around you, both figuratively and emotionally. Each number on the Being There EP represents a time and place, each with its own unique personality observing a contemplative, thrilling world outside of dancefloor formulas or the interference of cliqued words. Try, Fireflies as a welcome starting point, providing a deep reaching sincerity realised via each hit of its sublime keys amid the accompanying layers of sound swirling around the great blue yonder, that recall the touch of blissful memory and the natural order of things.

The second EP to be released in March forms Quiet Music. Which partly feels more introspective, more melancholy in that celebratory way of missing things that used to bring you joy. Consequently, Being Still is a perfect piece of music which I can’t really do justice too by describing in words, its meaning is the personal communication found in the listening experience, pure and simple. However, by the time you reach the title track, Quiet Music contrasts appear, cracking the veneer, as intense percussion invigorates the flow of ambience so much so that it becomes something else in the process. Yet still beautiful, while achieving the objective of elevating the soul. Out Of The Office and Sahara then cement those differing aspects by further extending the story. The brilliant former suggesting liquid suspension alongside the wonder of discovery, underpinned by a haunting, darker flair of bass heavy synthesizer. The later sees a storm of arpeggios surround the horizon again wholeheartedly embracing positive alternatives.
You can find out more about Steve Miller and Afterlife Music here on his website. There you will discover the stories behind the tracks, links to his Subatomic UK radio show and a monthly newsletter.
buy Being There EP https://orcd.co/zebdpo7
www.afterlifemusic.co.uk https://www.subatomicuk.com
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