Brendan Blood interview

Really enjoyed reading Brendan’s book which brought back many memories from the nineties and beyond. It was really refreshing to read the perspective of someone from the dancefloor and what excited them. I loved the way he has evoked good times…


What for you makes Sasha such an influential DJ and what compelled you to write this book?

Sasha’s influence on house music in particular the UK had an amazing effect on me personally due to the musicality of his sets from as early as 89. Being classically trained pianist I think he understood better than anyone out there at the time, the subtle key changes that crowds reacted to and how to make the most of those effects. Having followed him relentlessly into the early nineties, by the time I actually met him and became his friend I was already enchanted by the music he played and what he listened to. I really enjoyed writing the book and recalling the fantastic nights out we had had over the last 20 years.

Your book generates the real sense of excitement from clubbing in the early nineties. How do you compare then to now?

The early 90’s still held a sense of euphoria for me as every track that was released had a brand new sound and the accessibility of house music back then meant there was a real urge to get your next fix of house music. I think that’s why nights like Circus and Most Excellent could be a success because there was still that craving for more. Now the music is still as exciting and fresh to me and I still crave new sounds however the fact that you can access it 24/7 in whatever format you fancy and there are soo many genres of house to choose from that it takes away that craving and build up of excitement there was back then. Like the national lottery. Because it was only played every Saturday it generated a buildup of excitement throughout the week whereas as soon as they introduced a midweek one and some different guises of the game, everyone became bored because it became tedious and easily accessible.

How would you describe Sasha’s evolving sound in relation to House music?

Of all the DJ’s around the world, no one has ever embraced new sounds and new technology more than Sasha. He has always been a pioneer amongst DJ’s willing to take a risk and a chance on something new that was unlike what had gone before. He still remains faithful to his house roots and retains that thirst for breaking new music in all formats. Still to this day he never ceases to surprise me with tracks he gets away with so to speak. You think they wouldn’t work yet when you hear them played out they become a different animal that only he could foresee?

What are your favourite records?

My favourite records in house music terms are ones that bring me the fondest memories so off the top of my head I would have to say:
1. Sunscreem – Perfect Motion (Boys Own Mix)
2. Sasha – Expander
3. Inner City – Pennies From Heaven (Tunnel Mix)
4. Mory Kante – Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor mix)
5. Mighty Ming – Brothers Loves Dubs

Ha the last one made me smile! I could give you a different 5 tomorrow but we’d be here forever!

What does Sasha think of the book?

Sasha being the person he is, is surprisingly embarrassed and uncomfortable reading about articles and reviews written about him so tends to shy away from sitting and reading it from cover to cover so it may be a while before I get an honest feedback from him but everyone who knows him who have read it really love it. I think the fact that he is quite a complex and ubiquitous character only adds to his mystique and although he has millions of fans all over the world, they know very little about him. Even I still find out stuff about him I had no idea about.

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