Processing the word FRAME together with a succession of recorded images was the original idea behind Eugenio Vatta and Andrea Benedetti’s sonic project which began in 1992. Since that beginning a wealth of material has been produced now reaching 2019 with this startling new collection of ten pieces set to be released on the excellent Glacial Movements. In ways the darker, low-lights of winter are the correct setting for these sounds to illuminate the panorama as each track focuses on a separate planet surrounded by its own infinite silence, however space creates uniquely particular aural distortions, while the environment is far from quiet. Listening to the successive compositions gives you a sense of pleasurable unease that strangely feels reassuring yet also suggests a totally unknown quantity. Somewhere between meditative bliss and science fiction at a guess. Working in the live field both artists have created a masterpiece of atmospheres and their work here will penetrate even the most hardened soul.
Release: January 30
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